I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me. - Matt 25:40

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 13 Update

The Unwritten Life

It's been a crazy week! Lots of late nights and long hours at work. I won't pretend to say that it has been easy. When we work concerts I normally drink a monster or two. Well, not this week. I have to thank Trinity for getting me through the first day. She had given my a Fun Dip Valentines day card and the sugar and lik-a-stick kept me going. The guys have been very supportive as well, encouraging me to keep going and sacrificing for Africa.

Today, Sherri and I watched a great movie: 'The Brother's Bloom'. There are a couple of great lines in the movie. The first is this: 'There is no such thing as an unwritten life, only a bad story.' & then later: 'Let's live like we are writing the best story ever told.'

Those lines reminded me of why we are doing 40 days & why I'm racing for Ride:well & Blood:water. I had just finished reading Donald Miller's new book, 'A Million Miles In a Thousand Years'. If you haven't read it, you should. It has inspired me to try and live a better life. His book is a challenge for us to live a life for more then ourselves. To write a story that will change the lives of your friends, your family, yourself, and all those you come in contact with and even those you will never meet. This is why we do things like 40 Days, why we give up things like coffee, soda, and tea (& monsters). It is much harder to do then you think and I believe it is changing me. Sherri has always been the compassionate one, going on missions trips, adopting kids through World Vision & teaching our kids about giving and caring for others. I am really enjoying sharing this experience with Sherri and the kids. I'm finally putting into action what I've known to do for so long. Living with a purpose is fun!

So, get out there and live like you are writing the best story ever told!

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