This past Christmas we were looking for something different to do with the kids. In the past we have done the angel tree at our church. We heard about what blood:water was doing wiht their Filters for Families campaign. We knew this would cost more then buying a toy for a local kid. So we challenged our kids to give up something of their own and raise enough money to buy a biosand filter for a family in Africa through Blood:water mission. The kids each picked some of their things to sell and we sold them on eBay. We were very proud of them and their sacrifice and their desire to help others. After selling their items and reaching into their piggy banks we were able to buy two filters. They really do love doing things for others. Trinity loves to draw pictures and write letters to her World Vision 'sister'.
Well, this past week I received an email from Blood:water about their Filters for Families campaign. There were 1,640 safe water filters bought for families in the Ndola and Lusaka regions of Zambia.
Here is a short transformation story: Mr. James Kayata lives with his wife and seven children in Mackenzie Township in the Copperbelt Province of Zambia. Mackenzie is a community of about 9,500 that was plagued by cholera every rainy season until biosand filters were installed in their homes.
Before receiving the filter, Mr. Kayata's family collected water from a well that was contaminated by nearby latrines, and were frequently ill as a result. They participated in a hygiene and sanitation training, learned how the water was causing their sickness, and requested a clean water filter. Since receiving the filter, they have experienced no cholera, and even occurrences of diarrhea are very rare. His children never miss school due to sickness, and are healthier than they have been in years.
Mr Kayata credits the filter as being the solution to many problems, and shares the cool, clean water with three other families in Mackenzie.
Thanks to Christian, Dylan, and Trinity's sacrifice many more families like James' will have safe, clean water for many years to come. And thanks to your support of my racing and your sacrificial giving to Ride:well, which goes directly to blood:water, you are changing lives as well.
Every $1 you give changes the lives of someone in Africa for a whole year! $12 allows a child to go to school rather than collect water. $25 provides clean water to an African for 25 years!
Also, today, March 22d, is World Water Day. Here are a few facts about water:

I'm so proud of my family and the story we are writing together. My prayer is that when they leave our home they will write a better story then myself. Sherri, Christian, Dylan and Trinity are my heroes for what they do for others. Their compassion and caring have been an inspiration to me, to do more then just ride a bike.