I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me. - Matt 25:40

Monday, February 15, 2010

40 Days of Water Challenge

Who is ready for a challenge? A very tough challenge.

The Challenge: Only drink water for 40 days. But wait! Don't stop there! Take the money that you have saved, that you would have used to buy that Skinny Latte or Big Gulp, and give it to help someone in Africa who doesn't have clean water. They don't have the option to choose a morning coffee, or soda or tea during lunch. Many of them don't even have the option of drinking clean water. I can't even imagine that. I whine and complain when I have to drink the water in Red Oak just b/c it tastes a little weird. They probably say the same when they have to drink Waxahachie water. I know this won't be easy. You may have to suffer from caffeine withdrawal headaches for a few days and not getting that buzz from your favorite energy drink. Sounds to me like a great excuse to take a cat nap every afternoon instead.
You may say; 'Why drink only water?' Can't I just give some money and still drink whatever I want?' Well, yes you can. But if you do, I think you will be missing out on a chance to grow, a chance to feel compassion for people you don't even know. Sacrifice brings change.

Join me! Let's make a difference. Every dollar you give will change someones life for a full year, and every drink you skip may just change your life as well. That is so amazing to me, that a single $1 can make such a difference.

The 40 days starts this Wednesday, the 17th of February and will end on the 3rd of April. Learn more at www.bloodwatermission.com/40days

I will keep you informed on how I'm doing and hope you will do the same for me. Oh yea, and on Sundays you can feel free to drink whatever you want.

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